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Who Can Write a Confined Space Rescue Plan?

Published on
September 20, 2024
Man in a dark tunnel wearing breathing apparatus safety equipment. Text - Who can write a confined space rescue plan?
Keith Parmley
Managing Director
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When it comes to confined space operations, having a robust rescue plan is not just a regulatory box to tick—it's a critical element that can mean the difference between life and death. However, not everyone is qualified to write a confined space rescue plan. In this blog, we'll explore who can and should be responsible for drafting these essential plans and why seeking expert consultancy from professionals like REAX is not only a smart move but a necessity.

The Legal and Moral Imperatives of Rescue Planning

Under the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, it's clear that employers are legally obligated to ensure "suitable and sufficient" rescue arrangements are in place. But the law is just the beginning. The moral and ethical responsibility to protect workers' lives demands that the rescue plans are not only compliant but also highly effective.

A confined space rescue plan should be written by someone with extensive knowledge of confined spaces, the specific risks associated with them, and the best practices for mitigating those risks. Typically, this person will be a Safety Manager or someone in a similar role, ideally with a background in health and safety consultancy. But can any Safety Manager draft an effective confined space rescue plan? The answer is more complex than it may seem.

The Pitfalls of Inadequate Planning

It's one thing to have a plan on paper; it's another to have one that will hold up in the face of an actual emergency. We've seen countless instances where companies believed they were covered, only to discover—often too late—that their rescue plans were insufficient.

For example, consider a high-risk confined space entry. In such cases, there should be a fully equipped confined space emergency rescue team on standby, ready to act at a moment's notice. These teams should be on-site, trained, equipped with Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), and ready to rescue immediately. If your current plan doesn’t account for this, you're leaving your team dangerously vulnerable.

In medium or low-risk confined spaces, the scenarios might differ, but the need for a well-thought-out plan remains just as critical. If a gas alarm sounds, escape breathing apparatus sets might suffice for evacuation. But what happens if someone is overcome by gas? A moral and ethical dilemma arises: you cannot conduct a rescue using an escape breathing apparatus set. This situation calls for specialised training, equipment, and planning—elements that only experts in confined space rescue can provide.

Why You Need Expert Consultancy

Creating a rescue plan is not just about fulfilling legal obligations; it's about ensuring the safety of your workers. This is where bringing in a professional consultancy like REAX becomes invaluable.

1. Specialised Knowledge and Experience:

REAX’s consultants have decades of experience in confined space rescue. They know the regulations inside out and can tailor a rescue plan specific to your site's unique challenges.

2. Comprehensive Services:

When you bring in experts, you're not just getting a rescue plan. You'll also gain access to a full suite of services, including training and equipment recommendations that will ensure your team is prepared for any scenario. This holistic approach saves money in the long run by preventing incidents and reducing downtime.

3. Customisation and Flexibility:

Every site is different, and a one-size-fits-all rescue plan simply won’t cut it. REAX tailors the plans to fit the specific risks, layouts, and operational needs of your facility. Whether it's a high-risk or low-risk environment, they ensure that every potential hazard is accounted for, and every rescue scenario is covered.

4. Training and Equipment:

A good rescue plan is worthless without the right training and equipment to execute it. REAX provides both. From ensuring your team is well-versed in the latest rescue techniques to supplying safety equipment.

What You Can Legally, Morally, and Ethically Do in Confined Spaces

The responsibilities of those involved in confined space operations don't end with having a plan in place. It's crucial to understand what actions are legally, morally, and ethically permissible when rescuing someone from a confined space.

Legal Obligations:

The law requires that all rescue plans are “suitable and sufficient” for the specific risks associated with the confined space in question. This means your plan must be tailored, not generic, and must account for every foreseeable risk.

Moral and Ethical Duties:

Beyond the law, there’s a moral obligation to ensure that any rescue attempt doesn’t put additional lives at risk. A poorly executed rescue can result in more casualties. This is why only those with proper training and equipment should attempt a confined space rescue.

Conclusion: If You Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

Rescue plans for confined spaces are not something to be taken lightly. They require the expertise of professionals who understand the complexities and dangers involved. A visit from REAX could be the difference between a well-prepared team and a catastrophic failure in an emergency situation.

Don’t wait for an incident to occur before realising your plan isn’t sufficient. Remember, failing to prepare is preparing to fail—ensure your confined space rescue plan is robust, compliant, and effective.

Reach out to our Technical team, ring us on 01253767775 or email info@reaxltd.com to schedule your on-site consultation.

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