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Rail Live and Rail Safety Week 2024 Recap

Published on
June 29, 2024
Series of images showing a safety training event with participants in orange vests, equipment displays under the REAX brand, and an informational booth.
Keith Parmley
Managing Director
Matthew Oliver
Operations Director
Tom Millar
Business Development Manager
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The REAX team had an incredible experience at Rail Live 2024 and Rail Safety Week, showcasing our commitment to rail safety and training. Both events offered fantastic opportunities to connect with industry leaders, demonstrate our innovative solutions, and educate attendees on the importance of comprehensive safety training. Here’s a detailed recap of our involvement and highlights from these two significant events.

Rail Live 2024: An Exciting Start

Rail Live 2024 kicked off with great excitement for the REAX team. We were thrilled to meet Andrew Haines, CEO of Network Rail, and Martin Frobisher, Safety Director. It was a privilege to spend time with these industry leaders, who took the time to listen to our story and show genuine interest in our capabilities. Their engagement with our team was a testament to the importance of rail safety and the innovative solutions we bring to the table.

Day 1 Highlights

  • Meet and Greet: Meeting with Network Rail's CEO and Safety Director was a significant highlight. Their genuine interest in our work reinforced our commitment to advancing rail safety.
  • Showcasing Capabilities: We demonstrated our cutting-edge solutions, including our state-of-the-art mobile training unit and ACX powered ascenders, which attracted considerable attention from attendees.

Day 2 Highlights

  • Live Demonstrations: Day 2 was packed with live demos, including a thrilling rescue operation featuring Geoff, our dummy, with the RCX power ascender. These demos highlighted the practical applications of our training and equipment in real-life scenarios.
  • Engagement and Support: The support from our equipment suppliers and the event staff was overwhelming. Their contribution was instrumental in making our participation a success.

Rail Safety Week: Educating the Industry

Following Rail Live, REAX participated in Rail Safety Week at the Victoria & Albert Marriott. This event provided another excellent platform to educate the rail industry about our comprehensive training and equipment services. Our team was on hand to discuss how our bespoke training solutions can help enhance safety and ensure compliance with the latest industry standards.

Key Activities

  • Education and Awareness: Our team engaged with industry professionals, highlighting the importance of tailored training programs that address specific safety challenges.
  • Showcasing Solutions: We presented our wide range of training services and equipment, demonstrating how they can be applied to improve safety across various rail operations.


Both Rail Live 2024 and Rail Safety Week were tremendous successes for REAX. These events allowed us to connect with key industry figures, demonstrate our capabilities, and educate attendees on the importance of rail safety training. We are grateful for the support from our equipment suppliers and the event staff, which contributed significantly to our successful participation.

Servicing and PPE Inspection

Looking after your kit

Even the best kit needs regular inspection and servicing. we have a team of fully trained PPE inspectors who can take the worry out of the process. Our servicing team are fully certified to carry out the servicing requirements for many of the leading rescue devices currently on the market.